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Environmental Action Committee

The Environmental Action Committee supports actions to address local environmental issues. The committee offers advice and recommendations to Council related to environmental sustainability and climate action with a focus on the City’s master plans and other relevant strategies such as the City’s climate change action plan.

Watch Committee livestream

To watch a meeting while it’s in session, view the livestream.

Agendas, minutes and videos

Access recent agendas, minutes and videos of committee meetings in the Council and Committees calendar.

Review agendas, minutes and videos

Agendas prior to 2020

Minutes prior to 2020

Citizen members

  • Prabhjit Banga
  • Alice Casselman
  • Tea Falzata
  • Jihan Khatib
  • Melanie Kramer
  • Morgan Lee
  • Britt McKee
  • Karen Pawlowski
  • Derek Stone
  • Jennifer Taves

Council members

Legislative Coordinator

Eglantina Bacaj-Gondia
905-615-3200 extension 5378

Environment information

For environmental information at the City, please email