City Clerk’s Office

The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for the statutory duties of the municipal clerk and duties under the Vital Statistics Act, Marriage Act, Freedom of Information Act, and Planning Act.

The office also manages the City’s records, conducts municipal elections, prepares Council and Committee agendas and minutes, and administers the Provincial Offences Court and Administrative Penalty System.

Book an appointment

There are a few different types of appointments you may want to book with the City Clerk’s Office:

Speak with staff at the Clerk’s Office

To speak with staff at the Clerk’s Office about pension forms, the Committee of Adjustment, or other general inquiries, make a reservation online.

Meet with the Commissioner of Oaths

The City Clerk’s Office provides the services of a Commissioner of Oaths.

Appointments are available Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. To book your appointment, visit our website. Walk-in service may be provided but is subject to the availability of a Commissioner of Oaths.

Charges for commissioning documents are outlined in Fees and Charges Bylaw.

If your document requires the signature of a Notary Public, or you require certified copies of documents, you will need to contact a lawyer or a Notary.

The person signing the affidavit must appear before the Commissioner, show proof of identity and sign in the presence of the Commissioner. Only government issued photo identification will be accepted.

There is no guarantee that a document can be commissioned until the document and identification are reviewed by the Commissioner.

For information contact us at 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).

Pick up documents or records

If you need to pick up documents or other records you’ve requested from the City Clerk’s Office, you must book a pickup time online.

Freedom of Information request

You can formally request information or records from the City of Mississauga by submitting a Freedom of Information request.

Request to speak at City Council

If you wish to address Mississauga City Council or Committees of Council and make your views known on a particular issue you can request to speak at Council or Committee meetings.

Submit a petition to City Council

If you and your neighbours would like Council to take action on a specific issue you can submit a petition to City Council.

Assessment rolls list all properties in Mississauga, including the owners’ names, mailing addresses and the assessed value of each property.

You can access assessment roll information on the touch screen computers at the City Clerk’s Office from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please make a reservation online before you visit our office,

Learn more about property value assessment and tax calculation.

Contact us

Contact us at 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).