The Downtown Strategy
Downtown Mississauga is a dynamic, urban area that attracts creative and talented people to live, work and play. It is a place where you can share and embrace new ideas, cultures and experiences. Downtown Mississauga is located in the heart of the city with easy connections to the rest of the city, the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and beyond. In Downtown Mississauga, we are open to new opportunities and ready to welcome the world.
The City of Mississauga is currently undergoing the development of a new Downtown Strategy that will build on the original Downtown21 Master Plan (2010) – a plan that first outlined a vision to transform the Downtown from suburban to urban and laid the foundation for the current Downtown Core. This Strategy will build on the success of the Downtown21 Master Plan and provide direction for the future. It will reflect what people want to see – a vibrant place to live, work, learn, be entertained, raise a family and most of all, choose to be.
Downtown Movement Plan
The Downtown Movement Plan follows this updated vision and functions as a technical background study to the Downtown Strategy. It provides an implementable multi-modal transportation plan for the Downtown Core that supports the Downtown Strategy and works to achieve the City’s Transportation Master Plan objectives.
Downtown Movement Plan Executive Summary
Downtown Movement Plan Report
Appendix A – Existing Conditions Report
Appendix B – Multi-Modal Network and Plans Report
Appendix C – Public Consultation Summaries
Appendix D – Alternative Evaluation Report
Appendix E – Implementation Plan Report
In 2010, The City of Mississauga created the Downtown21 Master Plan to achieve a vibrant, character-rich, and pedestrian-oriented core. The City gathered background information on the existing Downtown including demographic data, physical traits, existing development character, transportation issues, and economic and planning considerations. The City ran education sessions with stakeholders and the public, and created the Master Plan through a series of charrettes, open houses and workshops.
Downtown21 Presentations and Reports
- February 11, 2013: Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Corporate Report
- April 19, 2010: Corporate Report
- Jan 19, 2010: Presentation of Downtown21 Master Plan
The Downtown Interim Control By-law
On March 9, 2011, Mississauga City Council enacted an Interim Control By-law that put a hold on all development applications for a portion of the Downtown Core. The bylaw was needed to put a hold on large format retail and other automobile-oriented developments in Mississauga’s Downtown Core. The bylaw froze new development in the subject area, allowing the City the time to examine land uses that would be more in keeping with the Downtown21 Master Plan.
- Amended By-law 2013 (0178-2013)
- Extension By-law 2012 (0036-2012)
- Directions Report 2012
- Extension Report 2012
- By-law 2011 (0046-2011)
- Enactment Report 2011
- Amendments Report 2011
Downtown Core Local Area Plan
The Downtown Core Local Area Plan provides policies for lands located within the Downtown Core and can be found on the City’s Mississauga Official Plan website.