File a claim

If you have suffered an injury or loss you believe the City may be responsible for, you can submit a report for the City to consider your claim.

For certain types of incidents, you need to place the City “on notice” and forward your claim to us within ten days of the incident.

To file a claim, complete a claim report form. The claim report must contain:

  • Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the person making the claim
  • Contact name, mailing address, email, and telephone number of the person submitting the claim if someone else is submitting the claim on your behalf
  • The date, approximate time of the claim, and location (address or closest intersection)
  • A brief description of what happened
  • The name of any contractor involved (if applicable)
  • Photos, invoices and any other relevant documentation in support of claim

Any payment as a result of property damage or bodily injury is contingent upon the City being found legally liable.

Submitting your claim

You must make your claim in writing by mail, email, fax, or in person.

By mail

Address your form to:

City of Mississauga
Risk Management Office
Attention: Risk Manager
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, On L5B 3C1

By email

Send your claim report to

By fax

Send the form to 905-896-5267.

In person

At the City Clerk’s office, located on the second floor of 300 City Centre Drive. The office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

What happens next

We’ll acknowledge that we’ve received your claim. In most cases we’ll start an investigation into your claim and send you a response within four weeks. Please keep in mind that response times may be longer, depending on the complexity of your claim.

If you have questions about your claim, please contact us at 905-615-3922.

Other common types of claims

If your vehicle was damaged by a pothole, a manhole cover or debris on a City road, contact your insurance company first to see if you have coverage.

If your vehicle has been damaged on a regional road, please contact the Region of Peel.

If your vehicle was damaged on a 400-series Highway or the QEW, please contact the Ministry of Transportation.

Sometimes City road allowances or boulevards are used to move construction equipment, maintain roads or water mains, or give utility company companies access to their infrastructure.

Private property is not allowed to encroach onto the boulevard as per the Encroachment By-law. The City is not responsible for damage to sprinkler heads, driveway curbs, plants, or other private property placed within boulevard.

If a tree owned by the City has damaged your property, contact your insurance company to find out if you have coverage for the damage. If you’re not sure who owns the tree, you can request a tree ownership inspection.

You can also contact the City to have the tree removed. If we inspect the tree and find that it’s in good condition with no clear signs of decay or damage, the City will not assume any liability for the damage.

If your property has flooded, contact your personal property insurance company to find out if you have coverage. You can also submit your claim to the City.

If the flooding came from a watermain or sanitary sewer, please contact the Region of Peel.