Before installation
Review the information and follow the process outlined in the Swimming Pool and Hot Tub Installation Guide.
Your pool must comply with the Swimming Pool Enclosure By-law and be set back from all property lines. Check the Zoning By-law to find the restrictions for your property before you begin installation.
If your property is located on conservation lands, you need written permission from the Credit Valley Conservation, Conservation Halton or the Toronto and Region Conversation Authority to install your pool, hot tub or swim spa.
Residential swimming pools are to be used by property residents and their guests only and cannot be used for any commercial or business-related activities.
Overview of process
Submit documents
You can submit your application and documents in person by appointment only.
You also have the option to mail your application, documents, and a cheque made payable to ‘City of Mississauga’ to:
Compliance and Licensing Enforcement
3235 Mavis Road
Mississauga, ON, L5C 1T7
Required documents
- One 11″ x 17″ Swimming Pool Site Plan scaled drawing with lot grading (slope of the ground on your property). The drawing must show the current lot grades elevations, drainage and any proposed changes. Hand sketches will not be accepted. A sample drawing can be found in the Swimming Pool and Hot Tub Installation Guide.
- One 11″ x 17″ legal survey of the pool property accurately showing existing fencing, structures, easements and property boundaries.
- An original signed Statutory Declaration having property owner(s) signature witnessed by a lawyer, notary or commissioner of oaths with their affixed seal
- An original signed Swimming Pool Enclosure Inspection Request
- Swimming Pool Enclosure Inspection fee of $390.80 (includes HST) payable by credit, debit or cheque made payable to the City of Mississauga
Additional requirements
You may also need to submit additional documents or approvals. Other permits may be required, such as a tree removal permit or a park access permit.
If you need to store construction equipment, machinery or materials on a road, sidewalk or City-owned land during construction, you must apply for a Road Occupancy Permit.
Pay additional fees and deposits
Once City staff have reviewed the survey and site plan, you will receive an email to let you know about any additional requirements. You will also receive directions on how to pay the site review/administration fee. The fee for in-ground and on-ground installations is $581.95 (includes HST), and $291.54 (includes HST) for above ground installations. You will also receive directions on how to pay the following refundable deposits:
- Municipal services protection deposit of $500 for above-ground or $1,500 for in-ground or on-ground pools
- Lot grading deposit of $5,000 for in-ground or on-ground pools (if there will be changes to the lot grading) or a deposit amount as determined by the Commissioner, Transportation and Works
You can pay your fee and the applicable deposit as one certified cheque or bank draft. Submission requirements of the applicable fee and/or deposit(s) will be confirmed and identified through the Lot Grading review process.
Schedule a pre-construction meeting
Once your site plan is approved, we will contact you to schedule a pre-construction meeting at your property about the proposed location of your pool.
Before the inspectors arrive, make sure the proposed location of your pool is marked with spray paint or stakes where the walls of the pool enclosure and any pool equipment will be.
If any changes have been made between when you submitted your site plan and the inspection, you’ll need to submit a revised site plan before installing your pool.
Install your pool
While you install your pool and enclosure, make sure that:
- No changes are made to the site plan
- Existing lot grading and drainage patterns are maintained
- Municipal property (which includes roads, boulevards, sidewalks, easements and City-owned land) are free of equipment, debris and mud
You can find examples and more detailed information about the minimum requirements for your pool enclosure in the residential Swimming Pool and Hot Tub Installation Guide.
Schedule final inspections
Final pool enclosure inspection
Before you fill your pool for the first time, call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) to arrange a final pool enclosure inspection.
If the swimming pool enclosure passes the final inspection, the inspector will email a PDF copy of your original application, date stamped with their approval. A Certificate of Approval will also be emailed to you at a later date. If you do not have an email address, the Certificate of Approval will be mailed.
Lot grading and municipal right-of-way inspection
After the pool has been installed, the enclosure is approved and any landscaping and sodding is complete, call 311 (or 905-615-4311 from outside City limits) to request a lot grading and municipal right-of-way inspection.
If the landscaping and sodding isn’t completed before your inspection, you will have to reschedule and pay an additional inspection fee of $300 plus HST.
Pool removals
If you are removing an old concrete swimming pool from your property, you must break up all concrete before backfilling the excavated area with soil. This is to allow for proper drainage.
Once it’s backfilled, you must call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) to inform Compliance Licensing and Enforcement. We will remove the Certificate of Approval.
For more information about swimming pool maintenance and Certificates of Approval, read the Property Standards By-law and Swimming Pool Enclosure By-law.