In progress City project

The Credit Woodlands integrated road project

The City is improving the roadway around Bert Fleming Park to make it safer and accessible for all residents, including pedestrians, drivers, public transit users, and cyclists.


We’re rehabilitating and improving the roadway around Bert Fleming Park to make it safer and accessible for all road users.

The design and construction work for this project will be bundled with various road improvement and renewal projects, improving efficiency and cost. This means that construction only needs to happen once.

The project will result in these improvements and renewals:

  • Rehabilitated roads
  • Improved intersections
  • Increased road safety
  • New transit infrastructure
  • Renewed landscaping

The project area includes the roadway around Bert Fleming Park. A map illustrating the project area is available.

Map of the project area, which includes the roads directly surrounding Bert Fleming Park.

These improvements will make it easier to get around, whether you’re walking, cycling, taking public transit or driving. At the same time, these improvements will help keep our community vibrant, active and safe. They will also support the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan as they prioritize the safety and access of our most vulnerable road users.

Project status

Preliminary design is currently in progress. Construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2025 and to finish in the fall of 2025.

For more information about The Credit Woodlands integrated road project, email Erik Nevland, Transportation Project Engineer, at

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