In progress City project

The Credit Woodlands integrated road project

Why The Credit Woodlands is being redesigned

The original rotary around Bert Fleming Park (often referred to as a “traffic circle” by the community) doesn’t meet modern design standards. Although the design is familiar to local residents, it fails to slow traffic, is missing pedestrian crossings and causes confusion for drivers. To address these issues and complete necessary road surfacing work, we’re redesigning the project area.

Outcomes from the temporary redesign

In summer of 2023, we made temporary design changes to the roadway, as part of the Sharing Lanes project. These changes were based on feedback collected through community engagement sessions. Changes applied and the results include the following.

  • By replacing two traffic islands with all-way stops, we changed how cars move around Bert Fleming Park.
  • We added six new crosswalks, and doing so helped to connect the park with two nearby schools. This improved the safety of students and families walking to and from school.
  • Converting the west portion of the traffic circle into a car-free plaza provided new space for locals to use as an extension of the park.

Data and feedback-based permanent solutions

Through the Sharing Lanes program, we collected data and resident feedback on the impact the temporary changes had on all road users in the area. The feedback was mixed, but showed several key themes:

  • Appreciation for the improved pedestrian crossing and reduced traffic speeds.
  • Concerns about the interrupted traffic flow caused by the new all-way stops.
  • Desire to see the neighbourhood character returned to its original state by removing road art and using standard pavement markings and signage.
  • Enjoyment of the car-free plaza, particularly by children and families.

The permanent redesign of the roadway is based on the feedback collected through previous public consultations. It prioritizes improvements that will enhance safety and accessibility for all road users, while respecting the character of the neighbourhood.

Independent review of reimplementing a rotary design

An engineering consultant conducted a thorough review to determine if the roadway around Bert Fleming Park could be returned to the original rotary design. The review found that a rotary design does not meet current engineering guidelines and introduces safety concerns. You can read the complete report online.

For more information about The Credit Woodlands integrated road project, email Erik Nevland, Transportation Project Engineer, at

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