In progress City project

The Credit Woodlands integrated road project

Selected design

Based on the analysis by City staff and its engineering consultant, the City has selected the design alternative that involves modifying the original configuration. The design features two-way traffic and two mini-roundabouts on the east leg.

This design was selected because it meets safety and operational requirements and does not impact Bert Fleming Park. It also appropriately balances the community’s desire for free-flow traffic conditions, appropriate traffic speed and safe pedestrian crossings.

The Sharing Lanes project committed to a two-year timeline, which aligns with the need for road rehabilitation. The engineering consultant that completed the independent review has initiated the design work, and City staff are collecting comments for additional considerations to be addressed during implementation.

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Construction updates

Information about upcoming and ongoing construction work will be available on this page when available.

Questions and answers

The Credit Woodlands has been identified as a roadway that would benefit from traffic calming measures due to concerns from local residents and data confirming speeding issues. A preliminary plan is being developed for review by the local Ward Councillor and the impacted residents.

As part of this process, City staff will aim to address speeding concerns and coordinate the work with future improvements to the roadway around Bert Fleming Park.

About traffic calming

Traffic calming refers to physical measures installed to improve safety for road users, particularly by reducing speeding and encouraging safer driving. These measures can be retrofitted on existing roadways or implemented as part of a redesign project.

The City adheres to its Traffic Calming Policy, which outlines the types of roadways and conditions where traffic calming would be considered. It also specifies the process for traffic calming projects, including the requirement for public consultation before staff recommend a project.

Bert Fleming Park spans 7,106 square metres (approximately 1.76 acres), and includes open passive space, naturalized areas and trees.

Historically, the park was not easy for the public to use because it lacked access points that pedestrians can use.

The 2024 Parks, Forestry and Environment Plan aims to make it easier for people to access parks by creating better connection points. The City is interested in reviewing potential improvements to Bert Fleming park to enhance its functionality and usability.

Based on the outcome of The Credit Woodlands Integrated Road Project, the City’s Parks, Forest and Environment staff will consider further developments of the park by consulting with local residents. The long-term vision for the park is to make it easier for park users to access, expand its functionality and provide opportunities for park programming.

For more information about The Credit Woodlands integrated road project, email Erik Nevland, Transportation Project Engineer, at

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