News release

City Undertaking Weekend Blitz to Target Public Gatherings in our Parks

COVID-19 | April 3, 2020

City of Mississauga Security Officers will be actively patrolling parks in our City to enforce emergency orders to limit gatherings and promote physical distancing. This will include issuing fines of at least $750 where applicable, and barricading the entrances to our park parking lots where possible. Vehicles parked in lots will be ticketed and towed.

The City of Mississauga reminds residents that park playgrounds, outdoor fitness equipment, courts, leash-free zones, picnic shelters, skateboard parks and parking lots are closed. These outdoor facilities and structures have been closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“We are in the midst of a health emergency and we need everyone to do their part. While it is exciting that spring has arrived and we all want to enjoy the beautiful weekend weather, we cannot enjoy parks and outdoor spaces like we have in the past,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “I have received countless e-mails, tweets and messages about people not respecting physical distancing and reports of vandalism in our parks. We have enforcement in place to protect people – we aren’t doing this because we want to, we are doing this because we have to. We are asking people to listen and please follow the rules. Fighting this will be a marathon, not a sprint. I ask residents to please stay patient and stay home where possible.”

City parks and trails are accessible for public use; however, people out getting fresh air in small groups of household members are being reminded and advised of the need and importance to practice physical distancing. That means remaining approximately 2 metres (6 feet) apart.

Signs have been installed in these areas and facilities, playgrounds and parking lots are being locked or barricaded where possible. In addition, basketball backboards have been removed.

The City is asking and relying on residents to help protect themselves by following what the Region of Peel Public Health, the Province and Federal Government is asking us all to do.

Closed Until further Notice

  • Playgrounds
  • Soccer pitches
  • Basketball courts
  • Off-Leash parks
  • Parking lots at City parks and at some community centres adjacent to parks.
  • Green spaces and park trails remain open for walking as long as physical distancing is maintained.

City Enforcement Measures

  • City By-law Enforcement and Security Officers are enforcing provincial orders related to non-essential business closures and gatherings of more than 5 people (unless members of a single household), in partnership with Peel Regional Police
  • Residents can call 3-1-1 to report non-compliance
  • Set fines for non-compliance range from $750 to $1000

Failure to comply with an order made under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act may result in a set fine (ticket) of $750 or $1,000 for obstructing any person in exercising a power or performing a duty under the order.  If the charge is laid by issuing a summons, a failure to comply with an emergency order could result in a fine up to $100,000 and up to one year imprisonment for an individual, $500,000 for a director or officer of a corporation or $10,000,000 for a corporation upon conviction.

  • Residents in Mississauga wishing to report a non-compliant food establishment such as a bar or restaurant, should call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700.

Mayor Bonnie Crombie Video Statement

Barriers are in place for your safety – do your part and respect them
Please stay safe by keeping off park swings


Media Contact:
City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-515