Local government | June 14, 2021
A Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for June 21, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. where staff will report on an updated financial position for 2021 and budget outlook for 2022.
In April, staff provided an update on the impacts of COVID-19 as well as projections regarding the City of Mississauga’s Budget and Business Plan for future years.
The budget and business planning process enables the City to provide residents and businesses with municipal services, projects and programs. The City’s budget allocates the funding and resources needed to deliver services and maintain the infrastructure that residents and businesses depend on, while meeting the City’s short and long-term operational and strategic goals.
Stream the meeting day of or catch up on previous Budget Committee meetings.
Learn more about the City’s Budget and Business Plan at mississauga.ca/budget.
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City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
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