Due to the postal strike, delivery and receipt of mailed documents, payments, and notices may be delayed. Please use our online or in-person options. Read the news release and you can also contact us for help.

Non-residential building or addition

Your drawings must clearly show what is existing and the changes you’re proposing. Drawings must be to scale, and should use metric measurements. We may request additional information when your application is reviewed.

For new non-residential buildings and additions you’ll need to submit:

The site plan must include the following:

  • Scale (metric only)
  • Direction (North arrow)
  • Municipal address
  • Legal description (lot and plan numbers)
  • All existing buildings and accessory structures labelled “existing”
  • Proposed construction (hatch and label “PROPOSED” in capital letters)
  • Dimensioned property lines
  • Overall building dimensions
  • Rights-of-way and easements
  • OBC Matrix


  • Location of parking areas
  • Setback to adjacent property line(s)
  • Surface treatment
  • Typical parking space dimensioned
  • Typical accessible parking space dimensioned
  • Aisles dimensioned

Set backs

  • Setbacks from all property lines to all new and existing structures

Site statistics

  • Lot area
  • Lot frontage
  • “Gross floor area (GFA) Non-Residential” figure (meters squared) with breakdown of each floor
  • Number of parking spaces required and parking rate
  • Number of parking spaces provided
  • Number of accessible parking spaces required


  • Established grade calculation
  • Points used for established grade shown on the site plan

These drawings must:

  • Identify the use and size of all rooms and spaces
  • Specify proposed construction work,
  • Identify all proposed fire separations, partition and door schedules
  • Show all necessary construction details for proposed construction including fire-rated assemblies

These drawings must:

  • Provide design criteria, construction details and specifications

These drawings must:

  • Provide distribution system plan including unit location and specification, duct size and volume, fire dampers and fire stop flap locations

These drawings must:

  • Provide proposed fixtures and a drain plan indicating the pipe size

These drawings must:

  • Provide the location of all required exit signs and emergency lights
  • Show where the building is equipped with a fire alarm system
  • Provide a complete layout designed by an electrical engineer

These drawings must be:

  • ‘Shop quality’, complete with hydraulic calculations and water supply flow test data

Elevations are required for each side of the project. They must include the following information:

  • Title and scale
  • Grade level
  • Existing and proposed work
  • Finished floor levels
  • Vertical dimensions
  • Exterior wall cladding, finishes and flashing
  • Sizes and location of windows and doors
  • Roof overhang and dimensions
  • Roof shape, slope and finish
  • The percentage of glazed areas relative to exposed building face calculations
  • Must include heat loss/heat gain calculations

Sample drawings

Contact us

If you need more information, call 311 (905-615-4311) or contact us online.