Official Plan and Zoning By law Amendment ProcedureMar 2, 2023Overview of process changes to official plan amendment and rezoning applications.
The City of Mississauga is modifying its planning processes in order to address changes to provincial planning legislation, effective January 1, 2023.
On April 23, 2022, Provincial Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act received royal assent. Bill 109 made a number of significant changes to the Planning Act, the Development Charges Act, the new Home Construction Licensing Act, and the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act.
On November 28, 2022, Provincial Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, received royal assent. Bill 23 made additional changes to legislation including the Planning Act, Municipal Act, Development Charges Act, Ontario Heritage Act, Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Land Tribunal Act and the Ontario Building Code.
These bills introduce significant changes to how municipalities plan for development in 2023 and beyond. A pilot project has been initiated to address the new provincial requirements and timelines.
Refer to the Development applications section of the City’s website to learn how to apply for each type of development application.