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In progress Environmental assessment

Cooksville Creek Erosion Control Project south of Lakeshore Road

The City of Mississauga is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for erosion control and restoration of Cooksville Creek south of Lakeshore Road.

This section of Cooksville Creek has been impacted by recent storm events and high lake levels and is in need of rehabilitation to address existing erosion issues.  Rehabilitation plans will also need to consider impacts to the adjacent City trail through Helen Molasy Memorial Park that sits above the east bank of the creek, as well as the neighbouring properties which have experienced ongoing drainage issues.

Aerial site map of study area, including the Cooksville Creek flowing south of Lakeshore Road East towards Lake Ontario, with Helen Molasy Trail running along the left bank.
Map of study area for the Cooksville Creek erosion control project south of Lakeshore Road East.

Project objectives

The main goal of this project is to develop a restoration design to mitigate the existing erosion problems for this section of Cooksville Creek, and provide long-term stability to the creek corridor, while also protecting or enhancing the existing environmental resources within the study area.

The City will also be looking to develop related restoration plans for the Helen Molasy Trail and berm that sits atop the eastern creek bank, as well as developing solutions to reduce or eliminate drainage problems along the neighbouring properties.


  • Provide long-term erosion protection along the creek banks
  • Increased safety and protection for nearby infrastructure and property
  • Improvements to the environmental health of the creek while enhancing aquatic habitat and vegetation
  • Opportunities for planting of native species, and enhanced wildlife habitat where possible

Public engagement

Consultation is an important part of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process and we want to hear from you. A Public Information Centre (PIC) presents information related to the study and allows an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to provide input.

Through the MCEA process, the project team has developed and evaluated alternative solutions for the project. A preliminary recommended solution has been identified for public review and comment. PIC materials are available within the following project documents. Please provide your input and submit your comment form by November 26, 2024.

If you have comments or questions, require further information or would like to be added to the study mailing list to receive future notifications, please contact:

Greg Frew, P.Eng.
Project Manager
City of Mississauga
905-615-3200 extension 3362

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