Growth and housing targets

Growth target

The Province assigns a growth target to Mississauga. It’s a minimum number of people and jobs within a certain area and does not equal new housing.

Mississauga’s approved growth target is 995,000 people and 586,000 jobs by 2051.

Growth forecasts

We forecast which areas of Mississauga the growth target will be assigned to.

The growth forecasts are used for service, infrastructure and financial planning. It helps us determine how we will grow in the next several decades. We share growth forecast data with different agencies, such as conservation authorities, school boards and utility providers, for their planning as well to ensure a minimum level of service.

Find growth forecast data in the Planning Data Hub.

Housing target

The Province has a goal of building 1.5 million new homes in Ontario by 2034. Municipal housing targets were assigned to cities across Ontario to meet this target.

Mississauga’s housing target is 120,000 new units. A unit can be a single or semi-detached house, townhouse, apartment or other similar residential unit.

The Province did not set requirements for the type of units that have to be built to meet this target. They can be all single-family homes, all apartments or a mix of housing options.

The Province is tracking Ontario’s housing supply progress.