City-wide public art banner program

Submissions are closed. Thank you for your interest.

Project overview

The City of Mississauga’s Public Art Program invites professional artists, artist teams and illustrators to submit expressions of interest and concept proposals for original banner artwork.

Public art opportunity

Banner artwork will be displayed on light pole standards throughout the city, creating a captivating visual presence from end of June to winter 2022. The commissioned artist(s) will be responsible for creating six banner designs. The City will be responsible for all fabrication and installation.

At the end of the program, the commissioned artist(s) will have the opportunity to shadow an established sculptural and/or textile-based artist, who will transform the banners into a new creation.

The commissioned artist(s) will receive $8,000.00 + HST. Fabrication/installation costs and sculptural/textile-based artist fees are covered by the City and are not included in this fee.


Submissions are closed. Thank you for your interest.


For more information, contact Rachel Pennington, Public Art Curator, by email at