Better Together

Better Together by Curtia Wright is one of many public artworks installed across Mississauga.

Two murals hung on two adjoint walls within the Malton Community centre.

Curtia Wright, 2023
Plywood, acrylic paint, aerosol
Malton Youth Hub, 3545 Morning Star Drive

About the artwork

Better Together is a two-piece artwork that reflects the unity and importance of Malton’s youth in the community.

“Malton youth share a tight bond and the larger artwork aims to show how each member comes together to make up the Malton Community. In this piece each person is representative of a letter in the word ‘MALTON’. The youth make up the present and future of Malton, making them an integral piece of the community and I wanted this piece to be representative of this.

For the smaller artwork, the design focuses on the transformative nature music can have through expression, collaboration and sharing with others. The piece was inspired by the recording studio at the Malton Youth Hub. Many youth will use this space to create their own unique music which will inevitably inspire others. The Hub will be a center of safety, community, creativity and play for many youth and I wanted this piece to represent this.” – Curtia Wright

About the artist

Curtia Wright is a multidisciplinary fine artist, mural artist and arts educator based in Toronto, Ontario. She got her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting at OCAD University in 2015. Wright has worked on public art projects with various community organizations, commercial and private mural commissions across Canada and internationally.

Wright’s artwork mix fantasy, sci-fi and surrealism with bright colours that bring their worlds to life. She uses people in her art to tell stories that often centre around her experiences. Her work explores mental health, metaphysics (nature of reality) and how dreams and memories last for a short time from a sci-fi perspective.

For more, follow the artist on Instagram @curtia or visit their website

More information

While developing the artwork design, Wright hosted a series of engagement sessions with youth in Malton. At the sessions, she shared more information about the public art project, her artistic practice and vision for the project.

The artwork was commissioned in celebration of the development of the new Malton Youth Hub Jonathan Davis Centre.

Photography by Adam Pulicicchio