News release

Birds of a Feather Migrate Together

Environment | September 23, 2022

Now is a great time to grab your binoculars and enjoy some amazing birdwatching as the annual fall bird migration happens in Mississauga. During this time of year, there are so many bird species (more than 200 bird varieties) in flight migrating across Mississauga and the Region to head to their winter grounds in the southern United States, Caribbean and tropics.

What types of birds migrate through Mississauga in the fall?
Mississauga is home to many species of birds who live by the Credit River, local creeks and Lake Ontario’s vast shoreline. These birds include:

  • Bay-breasted Warbler
  • Scarlet Tanager
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler
  • Red-eyed Vireo
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  • Winter Wren

Birds rely on changes within the environment to tell them when it’s time to migrate. For most birds, the fall migration starts when:

  • Babies have matured and can fend for themselves
  • Days grow shorter and the sun sets earlier
  • Cooler temperatures roll in
  • Food becomes harder to find, especially around the fall harvest

As birds begin to migrate, they can cover big distances in a short amount of time. Many birds migrate at night. They use the night sky, stars and moon to navigate to their winter grounds. One of the best times to see them is after midnight from August to October.

Looking for a park to watch birds this fall?

There are many amazing places to see these migrations in Mississauga, including Rattray Marsh Conservation Area, Lakefront Promenade, Riverwood, Meadowvale Conservation, Osprey Marsh and Saigon Park.

Learn more about Mississauga parks or find a local park near you by visiting Check out eBird to track your bird sightings and explore data to see what birds have been observed in a City park or natural area near you.

Curious to learn more about birds? Visit one of our local libraries, in-person or online  to check out a few cool resources, such as books on birds.

If you come across any birds that are sick, hurt, in distress or injured, please contact Animal Services at 905-869-5858.


Media contact

City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151