Local government | December 8, 2021
Today, Council approved the City of Mississauga’s 2022-2025 Business Plan and 2022 Budget. The budget maintains the City’s commitment to sound financial management and value for taxpayers’ money, while making prudent investments to ensure the City is ready for the future and continues to be a destination for economic investment and job creation.
In 2022, Mississauga residents will see a 1.5 per cent increase on the City portion of the Residential Tax Bill and business owners will see a 1 per cent increase on the City portion of the Commercial/Industrial Tax Bill. The City’s budget balances competing priorities and guides investment in more than 200 programs and services including recreation, parks and fire and emergency services ensuring they remain affordable for Mississauga residents and businesses.
“The year’s budget is lean, flexible and allows us to manage the changing needs and expectations of Mississauga residents and businesses as we work to meet our short and long-term recovery goals,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Tough times call for prudent and thoughtful actions. I want to thank our Council and staff for their work and careful consideration of the City’s needs including important strategic investments in public safety, maintaining our infrastructure and our green assets. I’m proud of this plan which ensures we can deliver for residents while building a bright and promising future.”
The approved 2022-2025 Business Plan & 2022 Budget outlines how and where the City plans to allocate resources to meet service expectations over the next four years. The 2022 Budget includes the following investments:
“Despite 2022 being another challenging year with transit ridership losses and other pandemic-related impacts, we focused on building a strong financial plan centred on the City’s strategic priorities. We’ve reduced costs, limited spending and invested strategically in quality services,” said Paul Mitcham, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). “City staff have done a great job working with Council to strike a balance between delivering City services and programs, strategic planning and maintaining existing services. We remain optimistic about the future and continue to make decisions to help us mitigate the ongoing impacts of the pandemic. This includes advocating for and utilizing funding support from the federal and provincial governments to offset our projected deficit.”
“Much of the 2022 Budget invests in projects to build, maintain and rehabilitate infrastructure our residents rely on like community centres, roads, sidewalks and bike lanes,” said Shari Lichterman, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). “While we use the annual two per cent levy to help maintain and replace our infrastructure, it’s not enough to completely cover the costs to keep these assets in a state of good repair. As we implement our Council-approved Asset Management Plan, we continue to look for relief measures and funding from other sources and levels of government to help close our infrastructure gap.”
The City’s Lean program provides a culture of continuous improvement. Since the program was adopted in 2014, the City has achieved $24.7 million in cost savings and cost avoidance.
Every year, all City departments are challenged to find savings equal to one per cent of their budget. The 2022 budget includes $5.2 million in savings and budget reductions in various areas.
Stormwater Charge
The Stormwater Charge that appears on the Region of Peel water bill funds the City’s Stormwater Program. It is a dedicated source of funding separate from property taxes. The proposed 2022 Stormwater Charge Rate, effective April 1, 2022, is $113.40 per stormwater billing unit, a $3 increase over the 2021 rate.
For more details about City’s approved 2022 budget and the budget process, visit mississauga.ca/budget.
FACT SHEET: Approved 2022 Budget
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