News release

City of Mississauga Prepares For Light Rail Transit on Hurontario

City building | November 30, 2012

“The City of Mississauga is preparing for Light Rail Transit on the Hurontario corridor,” said Mayor Hazel McCallion. “We are pleased with the announcement by Metrolinx yesterday that the LRT is part of its next wave of projects in the Big Move and we look forward to working with Metrolinx on the implementation of the LRT. We have done our homework. Our residents have told us this is what they need and want. We have a completed feasibility study and resulting Master Plan. We are working towards bringing it to Mississauga. We will face funding challenges and we are preparing for that. We are working with our funding partners including Metrolinx that has strongly supported us along the way. Light Rail Transit continues to be a priority and we know it represents the future for our City. Light Rail Transit on Hurontario can be found in all aspects of our future planning. It will not be easy. Anything worth doing takes time, money and effort and we respect that and are thankful for the support we have received.”

About the Hurontario-Main LRT Project

The current Preliminary Design/TPAP Phase of the Hurontario-Main LRT project in the cities of Mississauga and Brampton follows an extensive Hurontario/Main Street Master Plan Study (2008 – 2010). The Cities of Mississauga and Brampton previously initiated the Hurontario/Main Street Study to develop a Corridor Master Plan integrating rapid transit, land use and enhanced urban design for the approximate 21-kilometre corridor between downtown Brampton in the north and Port Credit in the south of Mississauga.

The outcome of this study in 2011 was creation of the Hurontario/Main Street Master Plan, which sets out a vision for a unified concept for mobility in the 21st Century, which complements and complies with both the Province of Ontario’s Places to Grow legislation and Metrolinx’s The Big Move Regional Transportation Plan.

The Preferred Light Rail Transit (LRT) Option

Central to the Hurontario/Main Street Master Plan was the conclusion that LRT is the preferred form of transit on the corridor. The LRT system, as envisaged in the Master Plan, will link two Urban Growth Centres (as designated in Places to Grow) and cross five Mobility Hubs identified as locations for multi-modal, inter-regional transit connections and enhanced transit-oriented development.

The LRT system is intended to be a catalyst for economic development, residential intensification, improved quality of life and long-term municipal sustainability.

Once the Hurontario/Main Street Study was completed, the Cities of Mississauga and Brampton proceeded with the next stage, a Request for Proposals to undertake the Preliminary Design/TPAP Phase, including extensive public and stakeholder consultations. Through this competitive bidding process, SNC-Lavalin and its team was selected to spearhead the Preliminary Design, Engineering and TPAP Phase encompassing both technical and community outreach aspects of the process. This work is currently underway.


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