News release

City Receives Technical Innovation Award for Basement Water Infiltration Project

Business and innovation | April 15, 2016

The Ontario Public Works Association (OPWA) presented the City of Mississauga with its 2015 Technical Innovation Award in association with Amec Foster Wheeler for the City’s Lisgar District Basement Water Infiltration Investigation Project.

“This award is wonderful recognition. It highlights the City’s commitment to working with citizens to realize positive and innovative solutions to the complex challenges we are facing today,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.  “The City is well known for its commitment to excellence in managing its infrastructure.”

“This is a proud moment for our community,” said Sue McFadden, Councillor for Ward 10. “I appreciate the hard work of all those involved in the study and the efforts to prevent further basement leaks in the face of such a challenging situation for so many of our Lisgar residents.”

“Work will begin this year on infrastructure improvements in this community,” said Helen Noehammer, Director Transportation and Infrastructure Planning.  “It was a comprehensive investigation of a number of factors to determine the causes and solutions for the problems in the Lisgar community.”

City receives technical Innovation Award - Basement Water Infiltration Project

(Left to Right)  Jeremy Blair, Storm Drainage Programming Engineer; Helen Noehammer, Director Transportation and Infrastructure Planning; Mayor Bonnie Crombie; Martin Powell, Commissioner Transportation and Works; Sue McFadden, Councillor Ward 10; Bob Levesque; Manager Works and Technical Services; Ron Scheckenberger, Amec Foster Wheeler; Sam Sidawi, President of the OPWA; Anthony DiGiandomenico, Environmental Services

Beginning in 2008, a number of homes in the Lisgar District experienced water seeping into their basements following certain rainfall events, with the largest number of homes impacted during a rainfall event in late 2011.

The City undertook a number of actions, including:

  • Video inspection and cleaning of the foundation drainage collection sewer;
  • Removal of vegetation along Sixteen Mile Creek;
  • Clean-out of bridge crossings and storm outfalls to Sixteen Mile Creek;
  • Putting in place a High Water Protocol (deploy pumps during major storms);
  • Sealing selected manholes and pipe joints; and
  • Adjustment to the Osprey Marsh Stormwater Pond outlet.

In October 2011, the engineering consulting firm of AMEC Environment & Infrastructure (now known as Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure) was retained by the City to undertake an engineering study to determine the cause(s) of basement water infiltration and recommend corrective measures.

The study was completed in March 2015 with findings of the investigative study representing a significant step in understanding the causes of a complex basement water infiltration issue in the Lisgar District. The highest priority mitigation measures are currently being implemented as part of the Lisgar District Implementation Project to improve the drainage system’s performance and reduce the risk of future basement water infiltration.

For more information read: Lisgar District Basement Water Infiltration Investigation

Media Contact:
Catherine Monast
Senior Communications Advisor
Transportation and Works
City of Mississauga
905-615-3200 ext. 5046
TTY: 905-896-5151