
Council recap March 19, 2025

Highlights from the March 19, 2025, Mississauga City Council meeting.

Local government | March 21, 2025

Mississauga City Council approved the following motions at its March 19 meeting.
Watch the March 19 meeting.

Establishing a permanent flood resilience rebate program

City Council approved a motion that resolves to make the Flood Resilience Rebate Program permanent, removing its original end date of December 31, 2025, to better support residents impacted by flooding and prepare for future extreme weather events.

Key points of the motion

  1. The Flood Resilience Rebate Program will be established as a permanent program with no fixed end date.
  2. An annual limit on the number of applications will be set for budgeting purposes.
  3. Property owners impacted by flooding are entitled to one-time funding.
  4. Submissions for funding must be made within an appropriate period from the time of the incident.

Read the Motion.
Watch the discussion

Transfer of waste collection to lower-tier municipalities

City Council approved a motion to initiate the transfer of waste collection powers from the Region of Peel to the City of Mississauga, as well as supporting similar transfers to Brampton and Caledon.

Key points of the motion

  1. Mississauga will pass a by-law to transfer waste collection powers, excluding community recycling centres, from the Region of Peel to the City of Mississauga.
  2. The City will enter into discussions with the Region regarding transitional matters, including a staff transition plan offering first rights of employment to affected Regional staff.
  3. Mississauga supports and consents to similar transfers of waste collection powers to the City of Brampton and Town of Caledon.

Read the Motion.
Watch the discussion.

Letter of support for Enbridge’s Mississauga Reinforcement Project

City Council approved a motion to provide a letter of support for Enbridge’s Mississauga Reinforcement Project, which aims to expand existing capacity to serve industrial partners in the Southdown Employment Area.

Key points of the motion

  1. The Mayor will write a letter of support for the project to the Ontario Energy Board.
  2. The letter will include staff comments on environmental protections, emphasizing the need to protect trees and the natural environment during and after construction.
  3. The letter will request Enbridge’s continued engagement with City staff regarding affected roads and storm sewers.

Read the Motion
Watch the discussion

General Committee meeting – March 5

City Council also approved reports and recommendations related to transit, presented at the March 5 General Committee.

Electric vehicle (EV) charging fee policy

City Council approved a new Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Fee Policy to establish fees for the use of publicly accessible EV charging stations owned by the City.

Key points of the report:

  1. The City will implement user fees for its 30+ public EV charging stations to recover costs and encourage turnover.
  2. Fees will be set at $0.30/kWh, with an idle fee of $5/hour after a 30-minute grace period.
  3. The policy aims to address issues of excessive usage and misuse while supporting the City’s climate action goals.

Read the Corporate Report
Watch the discussion

MiWay bus destination signage

City Council approved a recommendation to display only route information on MiWay bus destination signs, removing all other messages currently shown on a rotating basis.

Key points of the recommendation

  1. Only route information will be displayed on MiWay bus destination signs, eliminating the current practice of showing various messages for dates of significance.
  2. This change aims to reduce confusion for transit riders, especially at bus stops serviced by multiple routes, and aligns with accessibility best practices.
  3. The decision follows recommendations from the Transit Advisory Committee and addresses operational challenges associated with managing multiple messages on bus signage.

Read the Corporate Report.
Watch the discussion.

For a complete record of all meeting resolutions, review the Council meeting minutes available after approval at the next scheduled Council meeting. Watch live streaming video of CouncilGeneral Committee (GC)Budget CommitteePlanning & Development Committee (PDC)Audit Committee, Governance Committee and Committee of Adjustment meetings, when in session.

Keep up to date with the Council and Committees calendar where you can find when upcoming meetings are happening, and agendas about items being discussed.

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City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151