As part of the City of Mississauga’s E-Scooter Pilot Program, Mississauga residents, visitors and commuters can use their e-scooters to get to their destinations. Before you get to scooting, make sure you’re up to speed on where you can and can’t operate your e-scooter in Mississauga, as well as the rules and etiquette to follow to keep yourself and other road users safe.
The City has implemented an e-scooter pilot to regulate the personally-owned e-scooters currently being operated in Mississauga. An e-scooter is a two-wheeled device that the rider operates while standing. The devices are battery-operated and equipped with a hand brake, lights, bell and kickstand. In Mississauga, e-scooters can be operated by those 16 years old and older, up to a speed of 24 km/h.
Use your bell or give a friendly verbal warning before passing a pedestrian, cyclist or other trail-user.
Obey all trail signage.
Keep a safe distance from and give way to pedestrians or cyclists by slowing down or stopping completely if insufficient space to pass.
Travelling on MiWay with your e-scooter
E-scooters are allowed on MiWay buses as long as there is space on the bus and the accessible seating area and aisles are not blocked.
E-scooters are not allowed on the bus bike rack.
Dismount from your e-scooter at transit terminals and stations.
Turn off your e-scooter before boarding the bus.
Similar to a skateboard, you are not allowed to ride an e-scooter while onboard the bus, but you may bring it along with you.
Have thoughts on the use of e-scooters in Mississauga? Visit to share your experiences operating your e-scooter in Mississauga and interacting with others operating e-scooters in the city.
Your feedback will inform whether e-scooter systems should become part of Mississauga’s greater transportation system in the future.
City and Regional Councils have approved a motion introduced by Mayor Parrish to transfer waste collection responsibilities from the Region of Peel to the municipalities of Mississauga, Brampton, and Caledon.