News release

Have Your Say! Participate in Virtual Engagement Sessions Shaping Mississauga

City building | April 5, 2022

As we welcome spring, the City has a number of virtual community engagement sessions coming up on key projects that are building our city. 

Have your say Mississauga! We want to hear your ideas and opinions on the projects that are transforming Mississauga. Here are the upcoming engagement sessions for April and May where you can provide input and gain a greater understanding of how we are planning and shaping our City’s future.

April 12 at 6:30 p.m. and April 25 at 7 p.m. – virtual meetings

The City will launch its first School Streets pilot project at three schools: Hillside Public School (Ward 2), St. Alfred Separate School (Ward 3) and Brian W. Fleming Public School (Ward 3). A School Street creates a temporary car-free environment in front of a school during pick-up and/or drop-off times. This reduces traffic congestion and encourages students and their families to walk or roll to school.

Two online community meetings are available for residents in Wards 2 and 3 to get more details about the pilot. Anyone who is curious about the School Streets concept is also invited to attend. All participants can ask questions and share their feedback as planning for the pilot continues. Residents can also share their feedback using an online survey.

April 19 at 6 p.m. (Off-street Parking) and May 9 at 1:30 p.m. (Bicycle Parking only) – In person and virtual

The City is updating its off-street parking regulations under the Zoning By-law to support local business, help deliver affordable housing, respond to climate change and enhance travel, transit and walkability.

Off-street parking regulations refer to the amount of vehicle and/or bicycle parking required on private and public properties because of new development, redevelopment, building expansion or a land use change. Changes would not affect existing buildings or homes.

A public meeting for off-street parking is being held on April 19 at Planning and Development Committee  (PDC) to consider changes to the Zoning By-law relating to off-street parking as part of the City’s Parking Regulations Study. This includes proposed changes to the City’s parking regulations for private and public properties as a result of new development or redevelopment.

A public meeting for bicycle parking is being held on May 9 at Planning and Development Committee  (PDC) to introduce bicycle parking rates and regulations in the Zoning By-law as part of the Parking Regulations Study. This includes amendments to the City’s Zoning By-law regarding bicycle parking requirements for private and public properties, as a result of new development or redevelopment.

April 20 at 6 p.m. – virtual meeting

 The City is conducting an aerial spray this spring and will be hosting a virtual meeting to address resident questions or concerns. The spray will target and manage Lymantria dispar dispar (LDD), formerly known as “gypsy moth,” in affected city neighbourhoods. The timing of the spray is dependent on weather conditions, the emergence of the LDD caterpillars and the leaf development on trees.

Register online at

April 26 at 6:30 p.m. – virtual meeting

 Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA) are mixed-use, transit-supportive neighbourhoods that will provide easy access to local amenities, jobs, housing and recreation opportunities. MTSAs generally include lands within a 500-800 metre radius (a 10-minute walk) of a higher order transit station or stop. They are located primarily along existing or planned transit corridors (e.g., GO Train, Light Rail Transit, Bus Rapid Transit). The City of Mississauga is developing its own detailed MTSA policies to align with Regional and Provincial requirements.

This virtual information session will present the proposed city-wide MTSA policies and explain how they will align with the Region of Peel and other related City projects.

Register for the virtual information session here.

Provide online feedback by May 1

 The City has developed a draft Complete Streets Guide and is now looking for resident feedback.

The guide provides a comprehensive approach to building safer, more complete streets in Mississauga for all ages, abilities and modes of travel. It will help ensure that all road users are accommodated and feel comfortable and safe sharing Mississauga streets whether they’re walking, cycling, commuting or driving. It will also help the City prioritize safer, slower speeds for all road users in a way that enhances quality of life while improving how a street functions.

Take the survey here.

There are many other ways to get involved and stay up-to-date on City projects:


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City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
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