News release

Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project Update: Details For Procurement

City building | October 18, 2017

City of Mississauga staff reported at General Committee today on the Metrolinx-led Hurontario Light Rail Transit (HuLRT) Project currently in procurement.

Included in the staff report

  • a request from Metrolinx to amend the noise exemption process of the City’s Noise Control By-law 360-79
  • recommendation for additional municipal infrastructure to be included in the procurement process
  • information on potential operating and maintenance costs

“City staff worked on details for the procurement process such as a request from Metrolinx for an exemption to the City’s Noise Control By-law for timely and cost-efficient construction of the project,” said Geoff Wright, Commissioner Transportation and Works. “We have also identified the opportunity to repair and upgrade City infrastructure during the construction of the LRT to be included in the procurement and are continuing to compile information on potential operating and maintenance costs. Much of this information is dependent on the procurement process and will be part of ongoing discussions with Metrolinx and future agreements.”

HuLRT Procurement Process

Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario are leading the procurement and implementation of the HuLRT Project through the Provincial Alternative Finance and Procurement Process. Proponents commit funding and bid for the design, build, maintenance and ongoing operation of the HuLRT Project.  The provision of light rail vehicles is being undertaken separately by Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario.

Since the previous update, the request for proposals was issued by Infrastructure Ontario on August 17, 2017 to three pre-qualified, short-listed teams for the procurement of the HuLRT Project. The procurement process is expected to take approximately 12 months to complete with the successful vendor team beginning construction by the end of 2018.

The City of Mississauga HuLRT Project Office team, along with supporting technical and strategic advisors, continue to work with Metrolinx to support the procurement process.

Noise By-law Exemption

Metrolinx requested an exemption to the City’s Noise Control By-law for timely and cost-efficient construction of the project. Staff consulted with the Ward Councillors on the Hurontario corridor regarding Metrolinx’s request for the exemption, and, in general, support the requested exemptions. the Commissioner of Transportation and Works retains the right to withdraw the Noise By-Law exemption.

  • Major construction works to take place from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days a week, throughout the corridor including:
    • concrete placement (track infill, sidewalks curb and gutter, bridge and wall structures, LRT stops)
    • aggregate and asphalt placement
    • material movement (aggregates, track material and equipment)
    • track installation
    • testing of the train and systems
  • That the following activities will be allowed 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
    • micro tunnelling for water, stormwater, sanitary sewer installation
    • install, removal and adjustment of traffic control (construction set up, traffic signal modifications)
  • That the Noise By-Law exemption period be from approximately fall 2018 to the end of construction (planned for 2022)
  • That a limited number of full weekend closures be allowed for segments of Hurontario Street at the following locations:
    • Port Credit  – bridge works/tunnelling
    • QEW – bridge works/tunnelling
    • Cooksville GO  – bridge works
    • Highway 403 – elevated LRT span

These closures are necessary to safely complete the works and will not occur simultaneously.

Additional Municipal Infrastructure

In addition to the previously endorsed corridor enhancements staff recommended that the City take the opportunity that the LRT construction presents to

  • replace and upgrade segments of the stormwater infrastructure
  • install uninterrupted power supply at 65 signalized intersections
  • protect for the future installation of variable message signs for local transit (MiWay) services at LRT stops to include MiWay service data and messaging such as the scheduled arrival/departure times of local transit routes, service information including alerts and service promotions

This proposed infrastructure is beyond the scope of the project and if approved in principle by Council will be included with the procurement of the HuLRT.  The construction and installation of these works will be delivered by the LRT contractor during the established construction period.

The total budget for the identified additional municipal infrastructure is valued at $26,307,000 and would be added to the 2018-2027 capital budget and forecast.

LRT Operating and Maintenance Costs

The provision of LRT operations and maintenance services are included in the procurement process that is currently underway. The responsibility for the costs of those services will be part of future negotiations and the development of an agreement between the City of Mississauga and Metrolinx.

“Prior to Metrolinx reaching financial closure with a successful bid team, an agreement will need to be in place with the City of Mississauga to address the detailed aspects of project delivery and long-term operations and maintenance of the LRT,” said Wright. “We continue to request information from Metrolinx on roles and responsibilities and anticipated operating and maintenance costs.”

Staff is also working on identifying potential short-term and long-term City costs and budget impacts related to the LRT, including roadway and boulevard maintenance and MiWay service.

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