Some bus routes will have more frequent service, while others will have updated schedules to align with GO Transit train service.
City services | February 18, 2025
Several popular bus routes will have more frequent service to meet customer demand. Some routes will have schedule adjustments to support connections to GO Transit train service at Cooksville, Streetsville and Malton GO Stations.
Due to increased customer demand, the following routes will have more frequent service.
11 Westwood: this route will have more frequent service on weekdays during the morning peak, midday and evening peak periods.
61 Mavis: this route will have more frequent service on weekdays during the midday and evening peak periods.
66 McLaughlin: this route will have more frequent service on weekdays during the morning peak, Saturday in the midday and Sunday service will be extended to operate until 1 a.m.
107 Malton Express: this route will have more frequent service on weekdays during the morning peak and midday periods.
The routes below will have adjusted schedules to support connections to GO Transit train service at Cooksville, Streetsville and Malton GO Stations.
Schedule adjustments will be made on the routes below to improve service reliability as traffic and ridership patterns continue to evolve throughout the city.
MiWay will make further schedule adjustments as needed to ensure that services remain responsive to customer needs.
Visit for full details and to plan your trip.
Do you need assistance with planning your trip on MiWay? Please contact Customer Service at 905-615-4636.
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