Environment | October 1, 2021
The City of Mississauga, in partnership with Project Neutral, a MakeWay project, is launching an online carbon footprint calculator for Mississauga residents. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions that individuals emit from their daily activities. By calculating their carbon footprint, residents can better understand where their carbon emissions come from and what impact they have on the environment. The calculator supports the City’s Climate Change Action Plan by engaging residents in climate change action. The City’s goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Mississauga by 80 per cent by 2050, with the long-term aspirational goal of becoming a net-zero community.
As we move forward with our Climate Change Action Plan, it’s vital that we all take the necessary steps to modify our lifestyles to be more sustainable and reduce our negative impact on the environment,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Consider choosing your bike over taking the car, shopping locally, travelling smart, and making your home more energy efficient – any action, no matter how small, helps curb greenhouse gas emissions in Mississauga. I challenge all Mississauga residents to calculate their carbon footprints and commit to taking action!”
The Project Neutral carbon footprint calculator assesses your home energy usage, transportation habits, food patterns and waste generation. It will also provide a detailed breakdown of household climate impact, along with a comparison to other households in Ontario. After evaluating the environmental impact, the calculator provides suggested actions residents can take to embrace a low-carbon lifestyle. The City of Mississauga conducts a similar calculation each year and reports its carbon footprint, known as a greenhouse gas inventory, to the Carbon Disclosure Project.
“Taking city-wide action on climate change means we need everyone to participate from government to businesses and individuals. By working together and taking collective action, we can make a meaningful impact,” said Dianne Zimmerman, Manager, Environment. “Understanding where your carbon footprint comes from and how much greenhouse gas emissions are created from daily activities is crucial to taking action against climate change. This tool is the first step for all Mississauga residents to learn how they can make a positive difference and tackle climate change.”
There are many ways to advocate for climate action and reduce your carbon footprint at home through:
Travel choices
Making your home more energy efficient
Food choices
Reducing waste and upcycling
Try out the Project Neutral carbon footprint calculator and learn more about the City’s Climate Change Action Plan.
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