News release

Thousands of wildlife and pets rescued in Mississauga

City services | May 30, 2023

Whether it’s ducks, skunks, raccoons or foxes, Mississauga Animal Services responds to all types of wildlife and pet emergency and rescue calls 24-7, 365 days a year. In 2022, Animal Services helped more than 5,627 injured or distressed animals based on the number of calls received and this year, have already helped more than 1,430 animals over the last five months.

A few notable calls officers responded to in 2022, include:

  • A raccoon was seen clinging to the Highway 407 guardrail, then jumped off of the 40-foot tall bridge. Animal Services officers were able to catch the raccoon mid-jump with a net and safely release it into a wooded area.
  • A skunk was found with a rat trap on his leg, unable to move or remove the trap. Animal Services officers removed the trap and drove the skunk to a rehabilitation centre where he receive treatment for the leg injury.
  • A family of geese nesting on top of a building at the University of Toronto Mississauga were safely relocated by Animal Services officers to a pond on campus.


A coyote suffering from mange was captured by Animal Services officers and sent to a rehabilitation centre to be treated and released.

Animal Services officers responded to a mysterious package delivered to the wrong address in Mississauga. The package contained a live Anaconda and four Caimans, the reptiles were sent to a rehabilitation centre to receive medical treatment.

If you see or encounter an injured, distress animal or lost pet, please call Mississauga Animal Services 24/7 at 905-896-5858.

Protect your home from wildlife

Keep wild animals away from your property by taking simple steps to reduce or remove the availability of food, water and shelter. Learn how to avoid property damage caused by wildlife activity.

Mississauga Animal Services does not remove or relocate healthy wildlife.

Please do not feed wildlife

Please do not feed wild animals. It can disrupt their natural rhythm and potentially make them more aggressive toward humans. In Mississauga, feeding wildlife is prohibited under the Animal Care and Control By-law.

Learn more about Mississauga Animal Services, including wildlife safety tips, visit


Media contact

City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151