Local government | September 17, 2020
Yesterday, Council approved an updated Parks By-law that will ensure more safety and greater clarity for park users and the City’s enforcement staff. The by-law is effective immediately.
“As Mississauga continues to grow and evolve, updates to the Parks By-law are necessary for the City to effectively continue administering and enforcing all park related activities and programs,” said Jodi Robillos, Director, Parks, Forestry and Environment. “This also ensures that all park users are clearly made aware and understand what is and isn’t allowed in our parks. More importantly, it brings more safety measures for the public so that our parks can continue to be used and enjoyed by everyone.”
Some of the key highlights with the updated Parks By-law are as follows:
In reviewing and updating the by-law, staff from various business units were involved, including: Parks, Forestry and Environment; Enforcement; Corporate Security; Legal Services; Recreation; Animal Services; and Mobile Licensing. The City also consulted with residents, Leash-Free Mississauga and commercial dog walkers for regulations that relate to Leash-Free Zones.
To learn more about these changes, view the updated Parks By-law.
For more information about the City’s parks and green spaces, visit mississauga.ca/parks.
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