Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee

The Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hatred Advisory Committee will provide recommendations, advice and information to City Council and City Staff to remove systemic barriers for equitable access to City services and programs, provide insight and build public awareness to combat racism and hatred.

Watch Committee livestream

To watch a meeting while it’s in session, view the livestream.

Agendas, minutes and videos

Access recent agendas, minutes and videos of committee meetings in the Council and Committees calendar.

Review agendas, minutes and videos

Citizen Members

  • Samuel Cooper
  • Joann De Murrell
  • Michelle Eze
  • Pamela Gunn
  • Sonia Ojha
  • A.Q Mufti
  • Tony Oseivhi
  • Emi Roni
  • Nicole Rye
  • Shari Stoch

Council Members

Legislative Coordinator

Temi Adeniyi
905-615-3200 extension 8587