Mississauga Appeals and Property Standards Committee

The Mississauga Appeals and Property Standards Committee is an amalgamation of the former Committee of Revision, Mississauga Appeal Tribunal, Incidents in City Facilities Committee and Property Standards Committee.

The Mississauga Appeals and Property Standards Committee reviews appeals and makes decisions regarding the following matters:

  • Appeals related to the City’s Licensing By-laws and the Animal Care and Control By-law
  • Appeals by registered property owners who have received a Property Standards Order regarding a part of their property that does not conform to the Property Standards By-law
  • Appeals related to the ban of individuals from entering City facilities
  • Citizen objections about the local improvement process and the levy of local improvement taxes

Decisions made by the Mississauga Appeals and Property Standards Committee are final and legally binding.

About Property Standards Appeals

If you would like to make an appeal to the committee regarding a Property Standards Order, you must submit a Notice of Appeal. You can book an appointment with the City Clerk’s Office to file the appeal.


The fee to file an appeal is $620.18 (includes HST). This is set as per the Fees and Charges By-law 0199-2023, Schedule “A” General Fees and Charges, Division: Enforcement, Compliance and Licensing and is subject to change.

You can make the payment at the City Clerk’s office on the second floor of 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga by cheque or credit.

The cheque must be made payable to: The Corporation of the City of Mississauga.

Citizen members

  • Tracey Burrows (Chair)
  • Doug Colling (Vice Chair)
  • Cyril Hare
  • Francine Jones
  • Leonard Lynn
  • Jenelle McCalla
  • Erick McKinlay


Access archived agendas of Mississauga Appeal Tribunal and Property and Standards Committee meetings in the Council and Committees calendar.


Committee Coordinators

Martha Cameron
905-615-3200 extension 5438

Temi Adeniyi
905-615-3200 extension 8587