Completed in 2021 City project

Disc golf at Dellwood Park and Spruce Park

The City of Mississauga has completed new disc golf courses at two locations: Dellwood Park and Spruce Park.

A person playing disc golf.

Disc golf is a sport whose popularity has grown over the last few years. With rules similar to traditional golf, players throw a disc from a tee-off area into a metal basket mounted in the ground. The object of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws.

The courses are designed for beginners and families, and can be played physically distanced.

The courses are smaller than the traditional 18-hole disc golf course.

Dellwood Park is a 6-hole course and Spruce Park is a 4-hole course.

Disc golf FAQs

What is disc golf?

Disc golf is similar to traditional golf, but instead of golf clubs and balls, disc golf players use disc golf discs and aim for a disc golf basket. The basket is a pole extending up from the ground with chains and a basket where the disc lands. The object of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws, starting from a tee area and finishing with the disc landing in the basket.

Players start at hole one and complete the course in order, playing through to the last hole. The player with the lowest total cumulative throws wins.

What time of year do disc golf courses open?

The disc golf courses will be open year-round, and can be played in all seasons.

Who can use the disc golf courses?

The courses are free and open to any users on a first come, first served basis.

Can I take transit to visit these courses?

Yes, there are several transit stops close to these parks. Use the MiWay schedule to plan your trip or find transit stops.

Will the city provide equipment for the courses?

No, players will have to use their own discs or frisbees.

Contact us

For more information on the proposed disc golf park improvements, please call 311 (905-615-4311 from outside city limits).

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