National Public Works Week Family Fun Day

National Public Works Week is May 21 to 27!  

The City of Mississauga’s public works professionals play an essential role in keeping us safe by building and maintaining the infrastructure, facilities and services we use and rely on everyday including roads, sidewalks, bike lanes, transit stops and stormwater infrastructure.  

The City’s National Public Works Week Family Fun Day is an opportunity for you to meet City staff and learn more about the work they do through a variety of fun and interactive family-friendly activities.  

Event activities include: 

  • Truck and equipment displays (e.g. snow plow, MiWay bus, front-end loader)
  • Interactive exhibits with fun and educational activities
  • Bouncy castle
  • BBQ in support of United Way

No registration is required.  

Consider leaving your car at home and taking MiWay. Plan your trip using our Trip Planner

For more information about public works in the City, visit