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Storytimes and early literacy

Storytimes and other literacy based programs promote the development of early literacy skills. Research shows that parents and caregivers play the most critical role in their child’s early literacy and language development as their first teachers.

Developing early literacy skills will make it easier for children to read once they are ready to do so.

Storytime schedule

Discover and practice early literacy activities such as: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing together with your child at one of our in person storytime programs!

Visit Active Mississauga for a list of all of our drop-in storytimes!

Early literacy videos

Research shows that parents and caregivers play the most critical role in their child’s early literacy and language development. We have created a number of videos that offer support to parents and caregivers.

Every Child Ready to Read

Watch fun, educational, and informative video content, including early literacy skills videos that can help children get ready to read: playing, writing, countingreadingsinging and talking.

Family Literacy Day

Watch engaging, educational and fun Family Literacy Day videos to help children develop literacy skills through playing, writing, counting, reading, singing and talking.

Early literacy calendar

You are your child’s first teacher and can help them develop language and other early literacy skills with simple and fun daily activities.

The early literacy calendar introduces daily literacy-building activities to share with your child from January through to December.

2025 Early Literacy Calendar