General resources
- Gale eBooks (Ages 8+) – A database for reference on topics such as ancient history, arts and medicine
- Hoopla (All ages) – Hoopla has gathered a list of homeschooling resources for children
Reading and literacy
- Overdrive and Hoopla (All ages) – Access ebooks and audiobooks to continue reading without having to rely on physical books
- Tumblebooks (Ages 0 to 6) – An online collection for children with animated graphics and read-aloud options
Resources by school subject
- Origami Airplanes by Paul Jackson (Ages 4+)
- Garfield’s Guide to Creating your Own Comic Strip by Marco Finnegan (Ages 6+)
- Busting Boredom with Art Projects by Mary Boone (Ages 6+)
- Lunchtime Doodles with Mo Willems (All ages) – Join the author and illustrator of Elephant and Piggie and the Pigeon series everyday at 1 p.m. to doodle
- Spectrum Math, Grade 1 (Ages 6 to 7)
- Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook from BrainQuest (Ages 9 to 13)
- What’s the Point of Math? from DK Publishing (Ages 6+)
- Math for Kids (Ages 5+)
- Riddle-Iculous Math by Joan Holub and Regan Dunnick (Ages 4+)
- My Weird Reading Tips by Dan Gutman (Ages 6+)
- Overdrive and Hoopla (All ages) – Access ebooks and audiobooks to continue reading without having to rely on physical books
- Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook from BrainQuest (Ages 9 to 13)
- Rosie Revere’s Big Project Book for Bold Engineers by Andrea Beaty (Ages 6 to 10)
- Science Experiments You Can Eat by Vicki Cobb (Ages 5+)
- Iggy Peck’s Big Project Book for Amazing Architects by Andrea Beaty (Ages 6 to 10)
- Recycled Science by Tammy Enz and Jodi Wheeler (Ages 5+)
- Ada Twist’s Big Project Book for Stellar Scientists by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts (Ages 5 to 10)
- Gutsy Girls Go For Science (Ages 8 to 12)
Social science, history, and geography
- Who Was? Series (Ages 7+)
- National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Who by Jill Esbaum (Ages 6+)
- Magic Treehouse Fact Tracker by Mary Pope Osborne (Ages 6+)
- Guys Read: True Stories by Jon Scieszka (Ages 8+)
- Medieval Lego by Grayson Beights (Ages 6+)
- Wonders of the World Books by Elizabeth Mann (Ages 7+)
General library resources
General resources
Current events (history, politics, social science)
English literature and reading
Language learning
Music and theatre
- Metropolitan Opera in New York City
- Orchestra Concert, Berlin Philharmonic
- Toronto Theatre Database
- Ontario Arts and Culture
- Theatre Alberta