Some borrowing settings are changing on Libby, OverDrive and Hoopla. Learn more.

Suggest a title

You can suggest a book, eBook, DVD, CD, video game or other items for the library to add to the collection. While we consider all suggestions, it is not possible to add all item to the collection. Our selection decisions are based on selection criteria as outlined in the Collection Policy, as well as available budget and space.

  • Please check the Library Catalogue before submitting. We do not accept suggestions for titles already in the Catalogue or other online resources (Overdrive, Hoopla, Kanopy).
  • We automatically purchase new, popular, and bestselling items, please do not submit requests for these titles.
  • We do not consider titles more than two years old and not yet published or released in North America.
  • Specialized, out of print, and older titles may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
  • All suggestions must include a valid Mississauga Library card number.
  • Please limit your suggestions to 3 per month.
  • If you are a local author or vendor, please email

We’ll review your suggestion and let you know if we’re able to purchase it. It can take up to three months for new titles to become available.