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Museums and parks passes

Borrow passes for free access to the Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) areas, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) parks, Ontario Parks, Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), and Peel Art Gallery Museum and Archives (PAMA). All you need is your library card. Available passes can be borrowed for up to one week.

Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Family Pass

Check out a Royal Ontario Museum Family Activity Pass to access the ROM’s exhibitions and galleries. Each pass offers free ROM admission for up to 4 visitors. During the visit, the pass must be presented along with the borrower’s library card, corresponding library checkout receipt, and identification.

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Enjoy free general admission per family (with up to 2 adults and 5 children) to the Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives.

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Conservation Areas Pass

Visit the Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) areas and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)’s parks for free.

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Ontario Parks Pass

Explore 330 Ontario Parks located throughout the province for free with an Ontario Parks Pass. Call 1-800-367-0890 to find out about free parking options with your pass at some locations.

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