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Seed library

Get free access to open-pollinated and non GMO seeds, donate seeds for others to enjoy, and grow gardening skills at workshops. The Seed Library aims to support local food systems, build seed saving literacy, and promote locally adapted plant genetics.


When your seeds are ready, an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to pick up your seeds at your chosen location. Subject to availability of seeds and while quantities lasts.

Order seeds

When the growing season is over, harvest your seeds and return a portion of them to the library, to help keep the seed library self-sustaining. Donations are accepted at any library location.

Only open-pollinated heirloom (non-hybrid, non-GMO) pesticide-free seeds, which are less then 4 years old are accepted. Seeds should be clean and labelled with the seed type, year grown, and the location where it was grown.

Do not save seeds from plants grown from hybrid seeds. Seeds from these plants will not produce plants like the parent plant, and will not grow true-to-type.

Become a member

Contact us at if you are interested in learning more about the seed library or to become a member.