Download our app today to manage your account, check out, renew, and download titles. Available on Apple or Android devices.

Resources for teachers

The library partners with Mississauga schools to enhance the reading, research and curriculum needs of teachers and students from kindergarten to grade 12.

As your partner in literacy and learning, Mississauga Library invites all teachers and students to an engaging and informative class visit and/or a library tour. To learn more, click on one of the links below:

To proceed with booking your class visit, we encourage you to contact your designated library using the library school partner list. Library staff may also visit your school to introduce students to library programs and services.

If you are a teacher at PDSB Online School or DPCDSB Remote School, or if you cannot find your school on the list above, please email for assistance.

This unique program introduces grade four students in Mississauga to their local public library. The goals of the program are to ignite a joy of reading, to promote reading for pleasure throughout the school year, and to encourage students to visit their public library on a regular basis. At the end of each school year, we wrap up the program by inviting the classes with the highest participation rates across the City to an exciting celebratory event at Celebration Square! Funding for this program is generously donated by The Friends of the Mississauga Library.

Click here for More information for Grade 4 teachers.

When you are ready to book your introductory class visit, please contact your designated Mississauga Library School Partner from the list.

New for 2025: Free bussing for grade 4 class visits to the library. Some restrictions apply. Ask library staff for full details.

If you have any questions, or if you cannot find your school on the list above, please email for assistance.

If you are planning a class visit at the library, teachers may obtain library cards on behalf of all students (under 16 years old), by following these steps:

  1. Print or email the Library Card Registration Form. It must be signed by a parent/caregiver if the student is under 16 years old*.
  2. Drop off all completed library card registration forms to your designated library location – click here to find your designated library school partner. (Note: please bundle together and drop off all forms in an envelope. Include teacher’s name, school name and contact information on the envelope for library staff).
  3. Once the cards have been processed and are ready for pick up, library staff will contact you to arrange for a convenient time for pick-up.

If you are a teacher at PDSB Online School or DPCDSB Remote School, or if you cannot find your school on the list above, please email for assistance.

*Individuals 16 years of age and older may apply online for a Virtual Library Card or visit any Mississauga Library to register in person.

Mississauga Library offers a variety of online resources for teachers, students and parents, such as:

The Forest of Reading program helps celebrate Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators.  Mississauga Library supports teachers and schools by purchasing copies of the nominated titles.

The 2025 award nominees have been announced! See the full list at

The TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, interests and abilities. This free Club is offered at more than 2,000 public libraries across Canada in July and August. The club encourages kids to celebrate Canadian authors, illustrators and stories, and inspires them to explore the fun of reading – their way. This is the key to building a lifelong love of reading. Research indicates that children who take part in summer reading programs improve, or at least maintain, their reading levels during the summer months. Fostering a love of reading helps improve word recognition, vocabulary and reading comprehension. Funding for this program is generously donated by The Friends of the Mississauga Library.

Stay tuned for information about registering early for this year’s TD Summer Reading Club in June 2025!