Find your next bus in real-time

Options are available by phone and online.


Bus stop markerCitylink is our 24-hour automated phone system. If you’re at a bus stop and want to know when the next bus will arrive in real-time, you can call 905-615-4BUS (4287) and enter the four-digit bus stop number listed on the stop. Every MiWay bus stop has a four-digit number.

Service updates

Many factors can effect real-time bus schedules, including: traffic congestion, weather conditions, and road construction.

To find current service updates that may impact your travel plans, such as detours or bus stop relocations, visit

MiWay makes service changes every 6 to 8 weeks to remain responsive to customers’ needs and respond to ridership trends.

Transit app

You can use this third-party app to find real-time schedules, view bus crowding information or find service updates.


Triplinx is the official transit trip planner for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and it’s available through MiWay’s website or at

You can use it to search for schedules using your four-digit bus stop number – just type the stop number (ex. #1234) into the schedules by stop field.

Schedules on a phone