Help shape the new MiWay Rider App — We need your input!

Earlier this year, we reached out to learn how you prefer to receive information about service disruptions, such as bus delays or changes to arrival times. You told us that real-time updates are key, and that you prefer digital updates over traditional methods.

We heard you, and now we’re moving forward with exploring options for a new rider app!

Take a few minutes to complete the Rider App Features Survey and tell us which features you would like in a new app. This includes trip planning, bus schedules, real-time alerts, and any other information that would enhance your journey on MiWay and get you to your destination with ease.

Want a chance to win one of 10 $25 PRESTO Cards?

Complete the survey, and you will be entered into a draw! The contest runs from December 16, 2024, to January 10, 2025. Ten winners will be randomly selected at the end. See contest Rules and Regulations for more details.