Current construction projects

The City, along with the Region of Peel, the Ministry of Transportation and Alectra, work together to organize and complete construction projects in Mississauga.

Construction projects include work on roads, bridges, creeks, sewers, watermains and other types of infrastructure.

Future construction projects

Is your street on the list for future road resurfacing? Please ensure you plan ahead and contact 3-1-1 prior to completing any projects around your home. This includes driveway widening, repair and/or asphalt repaving, new concrete and/or interlock driveways and the installation of sprinkler systems or any decorative objects.

Construction map

The construction map shows the projects planned in Mississauga this year. You can select a point or line on the map for information about a construction project, including contact details.

You can also view the map in full screen.

Road and stormwater projects

City road projects include roadway rehabilitation, major roads improvements, bridge and culvert renewal, cycling infrastructure and sidewalk improvements, noise wall replacements, intersection improvements, and environmental site management.

Stormwater projects include watercourse improvements, storm sewer and drainage improvements, stormwater management facilities and improvements, stormwater studies and stormwater low impact development (LID) enhancements within the right-of-way (ROW).

Select your ward to see a list of planned road and stormwater projects run by the City in your area. If you don’t know which ward you live in, you can use the find my ward tool.