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In progress
The City is improving various roads on Matheson Boulevard, from McLaughlin Road to Mavis Road.
In progress
The Creditview Road implementation strategy was developed based on the approved Environmental Assessment Study completed in 2016. The strategy includes a preliminary design for the section of Creditvi...
In progress
The City is working in partnership with the City of Brampton and CN Rail to improve Goreway Drive, which will allow for a grade separation at CN's Halton Subdivision.
In progress
The City is aiming to increase comfort, accessibility and safety for all road users along Aquitaine Avenue, from Tenth Line West to Millcreek Drive.
In progress
Stay up to date on the City’s Cycling Master Plan updates and on-going cycling and road safety projects.
Completed in 2024
The City is transforming some of our streets and sidewalks into open and active spaces for the community to enjoy.
In progress
Project updates for the Dundas Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Mississauga East that will run between Cooksville and the Etobicoke Creek.
Completed in
The Slow Streets program is a road safety initiative that helps to reduce speeds on neighbourhood streets using temporary traffic calming devices.
In progress
Infrastructure projects designed to create a more complete and connected Lakeshore Corridor.