In progress City project

Bloor Street redesign

Work updates

Construction will begin fall 2024 and is expected to last until the end of 2025. Restoration work, including tree planting, will be completed by 2026.

Updates will be added here as work progresses.

What is being done

Work includes the following:

  • Resurfacing asphalt
  • Re-configuring travel lanes to one on either side, plus a centre left turn lane
  • Widening sidewalks on each side of the road
  • Adding boulevard cycle tracks
  • Replacing ageing curbs and realigning them
  • Changing out catch basins and making repairs
  • Repairing drainage to help divert water
  • Replacing all sod along the boulevards
  • Adding more trees, where appropriate and possible, to create a thicker tree canopy to improve the micro-climate on the corridor, and give people shade.

What Bloor Street will look like

Here’s what Bloor Street will look like when the project is complete:

Artist rendering of a cross section of Bloor Street from North to South (left to right) with the boulevard, sidewalk, boulevard, cycle track, travel lane, two-way left turn lane, travel lane, cycle track, boulevard, sidewalk and finally, the boulevard again. There are numbers corresponding with five features explained in the copy.

Design features

  1. A centre left turn two-way lane to keep traffic flowing and make emergency vehicle access more predictable
  2. Two travel lanes (one in each direction) with lay-bys for transit buses at some intersections, so traffic is not blocked
  3. Bike lanes in the boulevard separated from the roadway on both sides (also known as cycle tracks)
  4. More trees where possible on both sides of the road in the boulevard to provide shade and a nice place to walk and improved lighting
  5. Widened sidewalks on both sides of the road to give people more space to move

The design will also include a new mid-block, signalized pedestrian crossing at Applewood Trail so people can cross the street safely.

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