In progress City project

Lakeview waterfront area redevelopment

Inspiration Lakeview

Inspiration Lakeview was a city project focused on creating a master plan to transform Mississauga’s eastern waterfront into a vibrant and sustainable community.

The Inspiration Lakeview master plan maps out how the former Ontario Power Generation (OPG) site and surrounding lands would be transformed into residential, commercial and recreational spaces, while preserving the area’s rich history. Eight core community-driven principles of the Inspiration Lakeview Vision were followed to set the framework of the plan.

Since its development, the master plan has informed the City’s creation of two sub-master plans that focus on specific areas of the wider easter waterfront area.

Redevelopment areas

Inspiration Lakeview is not to be confused with the Lakeview Local Area Plan Review (LLAPR) that began in 2009. The two projects focus on different areas of Lakeview and serve different objectives.

Inspiration Lakeview focuses on the OPG site and surrounding business employment lands and main study area. This differs from the Lakeview Local Area Plan Review that examines land use policies for the larger Lakeview Planning District, which generally extends north to the Queensway, east to the Etobicoke Creek, south to Lake Ontario and west to Cawthra Road or Seneca Avenue.

Inspiration Lakeview staff have worked along staff undertaking the Local Area Plan to ensure both processes inform each other, and new land use designations on the OPG site and Business Employment lands were determined through Inspiration Lakeview and associated implementation studies.

Studies and staff reports

Review staff reports, studies and proposed Official Plan policies that contribute to and support the realization of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan and vision.

On August 1, 2018, City Council enacted By-law 0169-2018. The by-law was enacted after the Planning and Development Committee’s approval of the Lakeview Waterfront Major Node Character Area Policies.

For more information about the Lakeview Waterfront policies, email or call 905-615-3200 ext. 3806.

On June 25, 2018, staff presented the Lakeview Waterfront corporate report to the Planning and Development Committee. The report contains policy recommendations.

For more information about the Lakeview Waterfront corporate report, email or call 905-615-3200 ext. 5551.

Staff presented several reports and proposed policies to support the implementation of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan. These policies will be incorporated into the Official Plan as an Official Plan Amendment.

For more information or to give feedback, email or call 905-615-3200 ext. 5551.

The City began leading the Access to the Western Pier Study to investigate the provision of public access to the Western Pier in advance of full site redevelopment. This study is undertaking environmental and technical analysis as a first step to support enabling this public access.

The goal of the project is to develop a Market Analysis and Economic Feasibility Study for the Serson Place Innovation Corridor and Serson Campus as identified in the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan, as well as the Small Arms Inspection Building.

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