In progress City project

Matheson Boulevard integrated road project

The City is improving various roads on Matheson Boulevard, from McLaughlin Road to Mavis Road.
  1. 1
    2023/2024: Preliminary design phase

    Conduct planning study, consult the public, and select the preferred design

  2. 2
    2025/2026: Detailed design and tender phase

    Complete field investigations, acquire easements, secure permits, finalize design, issue tender, review bids, and award the contract

  3. 3
    2026/2027: Construction phase

    Implement all proposed improvements

Why we’re improving Matheson Boulevard

We’re rehabilitating and improving roads on Matheson Boulevard. The design and construction work for this project will be bundled with various road improvement and renewal projects, improving efficiency and cost. This means that construction only needs to happen once.

Map of the project study area, spanning from Mavis Road to McLaughlin Road on Matheson Boulevard West

The project will result in these improvements and renewals:

We’ll be carrying out these road improvements:

  • Replace and realign curbs
  • Widen sidewalks on each side of the road
  • Replace catch basins
  • Replace sod along the boulevard
  • Add crossrides at all pedestrian crossings
  • Replace street light poles with improved lighting

These improvements are part of the City’s Annual Road Rehabilitation Program, which sets the schedule and maintenance priorities. Areas in need of improvement are identified through our Annual Road Needs Study, Pavement Quality Index and on-site evaluations.

We’ll be constructing one-way cycle tracks on both sides of Matheson Boulevard West to transform Mississauga into a bicycle-friendly city. The cycle tracks will allow and encourage more people to ride their bikes instead of driving vehicles like cars.

The existing noise wall along Matheson Boulevard West behind 675-733 Ashprior Avenue is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. However, because it is privately owned and located on private property, the City is unable to maintain or improve it.

To replace the noise barrier, we’re working with each property owner to obtain a legal right to enter the property. If successful, we’ll replace the existing noise wall with a wood noise barrier in its existing location.

The noise wall replacement costs will be paid by the City of Mississauga and will not cost individual homeowners where the noise wall is. Once the legal easement is signed, it will allow us to complete long-term maintenance and future replacement of the noise barrier, when needed.

To meet our tree replacement requirements, additional boulevard trees will be planted, where space permits. This is to maintain the city’s tree canopy and improve walking conditions. We will engage the City’s Forestry department to determine the type, size and location where within the redesigned Matheson Boulevard West the trees can be planted.

Possible improvements include new amenities, such as three bus stops within the corridor, shelters, seating, signage and real-time arrival information.

These improvements will not only make public transit more comfortable and convenience, but it will be make more accessible and encourage greater use of public transportation.

Benefits to the community

These improvements will make it easier to get around, whether you’re walking, cycling, taking public transit or driving. At the same time, these improvements will help keep our community vibrant, active and safe. They will also support the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan as they prioritize the safety and access of our most vulnerable road users.


Finally, overall improvements will make Matheson Boulevard West a more inviting place, providing more opportunities for enjoyment for locals and visitors.

Project status and update

Preliminary design is now complete, and the detailed design process is currently in progress. In this phase, we will:

  • Conduct more field investigations to support the design work
  • Set up the construction schedule and phasing
  • Award the construction contract to the chosen engineering company
  • Review and update coordinated works and project funding amount with the Region of Peel as part of the City’s annual capital budget preparation and approval process
  • Work with individual homeowners who live or own property along the noise wall to sign the legal easement agreement.

Public Information Centre (PIC)

The first PIC (community meeting) was held in person on Monday, June 5, 2023 to announce details about the redesign and the alternative that was selected.



If you have any questions about this project, please contact the Field Ambassador at

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