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Archived Completed in 2022 City project

Parking regulations study

On June 8, 2022, City Council passed By-law 0117-2022 and 0118-2022 updating Zoning By-law 0225-2007 to introduce new off-street parking regulations. The by-law came into effect on June 8, 2022.

This project was archived on July 10, 2024.

The following information will no longer be updated. It remains for reference only.

Please see the notice of passing for more details:

Find information on By-law 0117-2022 (parking).

Find information on By-law 0118-2022 (bicycle).


In 2020 The City of Mississauga started a review to update the off-street parking regulations in the City’s Zoning By-law. The Parking Regulations Study was a key action from the City’s Parking Master Plan and Implementing Strategy (PMPIS) (approved in 2019).

Parking is an important part of shaping how Mississauga looks, moves and functions. It directly impacts how the city is built, transit usage and active transportation. The Study focused on establishing the amount of privately-owned parking (e.g., in parking lots within apartment buildings, retail plazas, office buildings, warehouse or industrial buildings) that is to be provided as part of any development application or when a new business is created in the City. The Study did not examine parking on public streets which is the subject of a separate study.

The Study:

  • Developed a neighbourhood-specific “precinct” approach to assessing parking requirements for development applications
  • Investigated current and anticipated parking demand and usage rates, transit investments, travel patterns, development trends and proximity to different modes of transportation
  • Ensured parking zoning regulations align with land use and travel patterns and consequently decrease the number of requests by landowners for reducing parking through rezonings and minor variances
  • Supported a balanced transportation system including public transit, walking and cycling
  • Aligned with the City’s intensification, affordable housing and urban design policies
  • Reflected the City’s visions and objectives in Mississauga’s Official Plan, City’s transportation strategies, and regional and provincial policy directions.


On June 8, 2022, City Council passed By-law 0117-2022 and 0118-2022 updating Zoning By-law 0225-2007 to introduce new off-street parking regulations. For more information, read the following recommendation reports.

Project contact details

For questions about this project, contact Eniber Cabrera, Project Lead at

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