Completed in 2023 City project

School Streets pilot project

Three schools in the city took part in Mississauga's School Streets pilot project, creating safe and community-friendly spaces for residents to get to school.

Why School Streets?

The purpose of the pilot was to demonstrate that closing school drop-off and pick-up areas to vehicles leads to a safer and more enjoyable drop-off and pick-up experience.

This project:

  • Improves road safety
  • Reduces traffic congestion
  • Creates opportunities for kids to be active
  • Encourages active travel to school
  • Benefits mental health and focus at school
  • Improves air quality at and around schools
  • Builds community

Which schools were involved?

Schools were invited based on a data-driven selection process conducted by a project advisory group. Street design, existing travel patterns, equity considerations and community support were all important factors in this process.

Three Mississauga schools participated in the School Streets pilot project:

    • Hillside Public School
    • St. Alfred Separate School
    • Brian W. Fleming Public School
  1. 1
    Phase one: Project planning – May 2021 to May 2022

    Research to select pilot locations, conduct community meetings and host community pop-up events.

  2. 2
    Phase two: Pilot launch – May 2022 (three weeks)

    There will be temporary road closures for vehicles in front of participating schools during morning drop-off and/or afternoon pick-up. These closed off streets will allow students and pedestrians to openly walk, cycle and play.

  3. 3
    Phase three: Evaluation and reporting – April 2022 to June 2023

    During this phase staff will collect and share data before, during and after pilot to measure community satisfaction and impact.

Project background

This project was funded through the Ontario Active School Travel fund, and coordinated through a partnership with Green Communities Canada and 8 80 cities. School Streets have begun to be tested by schools across Canada, including Toronto, Winnipeg, Victoria, Kingston and Vancouver.

The School Streets pilot project is an approved action (Action 90) within the Vision Zero Action Plan and will help Mississauga reach its goal of zero fatal and serious collisions on the road network.

Documents and reports

For questions about this project, contact the project lead at

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