Shaping Ninth Line will develop the principles, policies, and direction to turn that vision into a reality.
This map is included as a general reference only. View the City’s Zoning By-law map.
Now available
- Final recommendation report presented to Planning and Development Committee on June 18, 2018, 5:30 pm, City Hall
- On July 4, 2018 By-law 0168-2018 came into effect
- On August 1, 2018 By-law 0167-2018 came into effect
- The Ninth Line Lands were transferred from the Town of Milton to the City of Mississauga in 2010, and represent the “final frontier” of undeveloped land in Mississauga
- The Study Area covers 350 hectares (865 acres). The City currently owns 83 hectares (205 acres)
- The emerging land use concept will include an updated functional design of the proposed 407 Transitway. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) will initiate an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the 407 Transitway in the future, at which time all stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide comments via public consultation. An updated 407 Transitway design will provide a clearer understanding of the land requirements and alignment of the 407 Transitway in order to proceed with the Shaping Ninth Line land use project
- Natural Heritage features such as wetlands, woodlots, special management areas and linkages will be added to Mississauga’s Natural Areas System
- Until the study is completed, the existing Town of Milton Official Plan and Zoning By-laws apply to all the Ninth Line lands
- Ninth Line Lands – Proposed Neighbourhood Character Area Policies and Zoning
- Shaping Ninth Line Urban Design Guidelines
- Shaping Ninth Line Subwatershed Study
- Shaping Ninth Line Regional Official Plan Amendment
Have suggestions about how we can improve the Ninth Line area? Send us your thoughts! Together, we can build this newest Mississauga community.
- Ninth Line Urban Design Guidelines
- Addendum to the Highway 407 Transitway Corridor Assessment Within the Ninth Line Study Area (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2016)
- Addendum to the Highway 407 Transitway Corridor Assessment Within the Ninth Line Study Area (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2016)
- Highway 407 Transitway Corridor Assessment Within the Ninth Line Study Area, Oct. 12, 2016
- Ninth Line Corridor Study Transportation Assessment July 2017
- Ninth Line Corridor Study Transportation Assessment July 2017: Appendix A – Turning Movement Counts and Signal Timing Plans
- Scoped Subwatershed Study Display Boards
- Public Consultation #2 Summary – June 6 and 8, 2016
- Community Workshop – Draft Emerging Land Use Concept Presentation – June 6, 2016
- Opportunities to Have Your Say
- Visioning Workshop Summary Report – August 2014
- Final Background Report