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Completed in 2024 Environmental assessment

Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Study

The City of Mississauga completed a Schedule C Class Environmental Assessment Study to mitigate flooding risks from Little Etobicoke Creek and enable future growth in the Dixie-Dundas community.


The Dixie-Dundas community consists of a variety of residential, commercial, industrial and park and trail land uses. It includes designated Special Policy Areas (SPAs) which regulate future development due to flood risks. This area is subject to flooding as a result of spilling from Little Etobicoke Creek near the Dixie Road bridge during high flow conditions such as the storm event that occurred on July 8, 2013.

The goal of the study was to find solutions to provide flood protection to residences and businesses, as well as to enable future growth in the Dixie-Dundas community as envisioned in the Dundas Connects Master Plan.

Public Information Centres

Two Public Information Centres (PICs) were held to present information related to the study and allow an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to provide input. Details regarding the PICs were advertised publicly and communicated directly as the study progressed.

Public Information Centre 1

The first Public Information Centre was held in 2020. The purpose of it was to:

  • Introduce the project
  • Describe the environmental context
  • Present alternative solutions to address the problems
  • Outline the evaluation criteria
  • Provide opportunity for interested parties to offer input

Watch a recording of the presentation:

Expanded study area

In August 2021, the study was expanded downstream to Dundas Street East to adequately identify and assess any improvements to address flooding from Little Etobicoke Creek. Read the Notice of Expanded Study Area.

Bulletin for Expanded Study Area

In October 2021, conceptual alternative flood mitigation solutions were identified in the expanded study area near Dundas Street East. For more information, refer to the Project Bulletin for Expanded Study Area.

Public Information Centre 2

The second Public Information Centre was held in 2023. The purpose of it was to:

  • Present the evaluation and preferred alternative solutions
  • Present and evaluate alternative design concepts
  • Present the preliminary and preferred design concept
  • Provide opportunity for interested parties to offer input

Watch a recording of the presentation:

Environmental Study Report

An Environmental Study Report was prepared to document the planning, decision-making and consultation process for this study. The final report and appendices were completed in June 2024. We appreciate all of the consultation and feedback that was received for the report and throughout the study.

Project updates

The Environmental Assessment study was completed in June 2024.

Preliminary design for the project is currently underway and progressing.

Detailed design work and any potential land acquisition will follow and are anticipated to begin in 2025.

Project contact details

Anthony Di Giandomenico, P.Eng., Project Manager
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C9
905-615-3200 ext. 3491

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