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In progress Environmental assessment

Etobicoke Creek Erosion Control Project

The City of Mississauga is undertaking a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment Study for erosion protection and stability of Etobicoke Creek at Bloor Street.


Etobicoke Creek is a watershed with the headwaters in Caledon and Brampton draining through Mississauga and bordering on Toronto before discharging to Lake Ontario.

This section of Etobicoke Creek, which spans approximately 500 metres, extends from the downstream side of Bloor Street upstream to the existing golf course creek crossing.

Etobicoke Creek Study Area Map

Urbanization over the years has increased flow rates within the creek and beyond its banks. This has increased erosion in certain areas within the creek and is posing a risk to infrastructure, property and the environment.

Through the City’s ongoing erosion monitoring program, this section of Etobicoke Creek has been identified as a high priority site in need of rehabilitation. The study will consider designs to provide long-term erosion protection along the creek and mitigate risks to people, property and infrastructure.


The main goal of this project is to mitigate the existing erosion problems and ensure long-term stability of the creek using natural design techniques, where feasible, while also protecting or enhancing the existing natural environment within the study area.

The study will consider designs to provide long-term erosion protection along the creek and mitigate risks to people, property and infrastructure.


  • Improves the stability and environmental health of the watercourse
  • Maintains or improves the hydraulic capacity of the creek, and protects nearby infrastructure and property
  • Enhances aquatic habitat and riparian vegetation
  • Opportunities for planting of native species, and enhanced wildlife habitat where feasible

Online Public Information Centre

Consultation is an important part of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process and we want to hear from you.

Through the MCEA process, the project team has developed and evaluated alternative solutions for Etobicoke Creek at Bloor Street. A preliminary recommended solution has been identified for public review and comment.

A Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on online on June 27, 2022. Information related to the study was presented to the public to allow for an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to provide input.

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